Professional 75:1 Yüksək Temperaturlu İnfraqırmızı Termometrlər 75: Ləkə ölçüsünə 1 məsafə, İkili lazer göstəriciləri, 150 ms daha sürətli seçmə vaxtı, 1% dəqiqlik, Oxu yaddaşı.

Professional 75:1 Yüksək Temperaturlu İnfraqırmızı Termometrlər

75: Ləkə ölçüsünə 1 məsafə, İkili lazer göstəriciləri, 150 ms daha sürətli seçmə vaxtı, 1% dəqiqlik, Oxu yaddaşı.

Graphic white and black LCD display
Max,Min,Dif,AVG record &trigger lock
High/low alarm
Auto Power Off
Adjustable emissivity
Type K input
Memory data with Date/Time stamp(30 points)
USB interface
Datalog(Only 8879/8889H)
Wireless interface (Only 8879/8889H)


Specifications DT-8878 DT-8879 DT-8889 DT-8889H
IR Temp. Range -50ºC to 1200ºC/-58ºF to 2192ºF -50ºC to 1600ºC/-58ºF to 2912ºF -50ºC to 1850ºC/-58ºF to 3362ºF -50ºC to 2200ºC/-58ºF to 3992ºF
Response Time Less than 150ms Less than 150ms Less than 150ms Less than 150ms
Resolution 0.1º up 1000º, 1º over 1000º 0.1º up 1000º, 1º over 1000º 0.1º up 1000º, 1º over 1000º 0.1º up 1000º, 1º over 1000º
Basic Accuracy (IR) ±1.0% of reading ±1.0% of reading ±1.0% of reading ±1.0% of reading
Optical Resolution 50:1 Distance to Spot size 50:1 Distance to Spot size 50:1 Distance to Spot size 75:1 Distance to Spot size
Emissivity Adjustable 0.10~1.0 Adjustable 0.10~1.0 Adjustable 0.10~1.0 Adjustable 0.10~1.0
Type K Temp. Range -50ºC to 1370ºC/-58ºF to 2498ºF -50ºC to 1370ºC/-58ºF to 2498ºF -50ºC to 1370ºC/-58ºF to 2498ºF -50ºC to 1370ºC/-58ºF to 2498ºF
Basic Accuracy (TK) ±0.5% of reading ±0.5% of reading ±0.5% of reading ±0.5% of reading
Readings memories 30 30 30 30
Datalog * * *
Wireless interface(443Mhz) *
Bluetooth interface * *
AZTECH Instruments

The devices are designed to help buyers better understand its production processes and increase the efficiency. Clients are able to level up their product quality and output quantity.
