5005-0800-SterilDisk Data Logger 140°C

Data logger with flex¬ible cable sensor with 30cm length. For temper¬ature monit¬oring during ster¬il¬isa¬tion, pasteur¬iz¬a¬tion and other applic¬a¬tions up to 140°C. High meas¬uring range up to 140°C, water- and pres¬sure resist (IP 68 and 10 bar). Food-safe steel AISI316L, memory for 20.000 read¬ings, Meas¬uring interval from 1s . High accuracy: +-0,2°C. Battery can be changed inde¬pend¬ently. Optional with validated software CFR21 Part 11, graphics and data easily exported to Excel. Automatic calculation of F0, Z- and N value. Standard sensor lengt 50mm x 3mm ***Other sensor length on demand***

Data logger with flex­ible cable sensor with 30cm length. For temper­ature monit­oring during ster­il­isa­tion, pasteur­iz­a­tion and other applic­a­tions up to 140°C.

High meas­uring range up to 140°C, water- and pres­sure resist (IP 68 and 10 bar). Food-safe steel AISI316L, memory for 20.000 read­ings, Meas­uring interval from 1s . High accuracy: +-0,2°C. Battery can be changed inde­pend­ently. Optional with validated software CFR21 Part 11, graphics and data easily exported to Excel. Automatic calculation of F0, Z- and N value.

Standard sensor lengt 50mm x 3mm
***Other sensor length on demand***

AZTECH Instruments

The devices are designed to help buyers better understand its production processes and increase the efficiency. Clients are able to level up their product quality and output quantity.
