5005-0840-RHTemp 80L High Temperature Logger
for Temperature und Humidity

Temper¬ature- and humidity data logger for up to 80°C. Suit¬able for monit¬oring of dry processes. High meas¬uring range up to 80°C, food-safe steel AISI316L, memory for 10.000 read¬ings, Meas¬uring interval from 1s . High accuracy: +-0,2 / +- 1,8 rH. Battery can be changed inde-pend¬ently. Optional with validated software CFR21 Part 11, graphics and data easily exported to Excel.

Temper­ature- and humidity data logger for  up to 80°C. Suit­able for monit­oring of dry processes.

High meas­uring range up to 80°C, food-safe steel AISI316L, memory for 10.000 read­ings, Meas­uring interval from 1s . High accuracy: +-0,2 / +- 1,8 rH. Battery can be changed inde­pend­ently. Optional with validated software CFR21 Part 11, graphics and data easily exported to Excel.


Meas­uring range -40..80°C / 0…100% rH
Resol­u­tion 0,015°C / 0,02% rH
Accuracy ± 0,2°C / ± 1,8% rH at 0…60°C and 0…85% rH
± 0,5°C / ± 3,0% rH remaining range
Memory 10.000 meas­ur­ings
Voltage Battery, change­able
Battery life Calcu­lated life­time at 25°C and interval of 1s, approx­im­ately. 8.000.000 acquis­i­tions
Dimen­sions 46 x 17mm
Weight 35g
AZTECH Instruments

The devices are designed to help buyers better understand its production processes and increase the efficiency. Clients are able to level up their product quality and output quantity.
