5005-0850-PressurDisk Data Logger up to 140°C

Data logger for pressure- and temperature measurement and validation of autoclaves in laboratories, pharmaceutical / medical and food sectors High temperature range up to 140 ° C, water-and pressure-resistant up to 5 bar. Food-safe steel 316L. Large Data memory for 30.000 readings, recording interval from 1s. High measurement accuracy: +0.1°C and 15 mbar. Battery can be changed independently. Optional with validated software CFR21 Part 11. Measurements of autoclave with further SD loggers in an overview. Graphic data to be easily exportable to Excel. Direct connection of the logger by ½ inch thread. Multiple traces can be displayed in a graph. calibration certificate included.

Data logger for pressure- and temperature measurement and validation of autoclaves in laboratories, pharmaceutical / medical and food sectors

High temperature range up to 140 ° C, water-and pressure-resistant up to 5 bar. Food-safe steel 316L. Large Data memory for 30.000 readings, recording interval from 1s. High measurement accuracy: +0.1°C and 15 mbar. Battery can be changed independently. Optional with validated software CFR21 Part 11. Measurements of autoclave with further SD loggers in an overview. Graphic data to be easily exportable to Excel. Direct connection of the logger by ½ inch thread. Multiple traces can be displayed in a graph. calibration certificate included.


Technical Data

Meas­uring range -40°C…+140°C
5 bar abso­lute
Resol­u­tion 0,02°C
2 mbar
Accuracy ±0,1°C within calib­rated range +25°C…140°C
±15 mbar
Memory 30.000 meas­ure­ments
Voltage battery, change­able
Battery life Calcu­lated battery life­time at 25°C and interval 1s approx­im­ately 6.000.000 acquis­i­tions
Dimen­sions 43 x 35 mm
20 x 3 mm temper­ature sensor
Weight 150 g
AZTECH Instruments

The devices are designed to help buyers better understand its production processes and increase the efficiency. Clients are able to level up their product quality and output quantity.
