IR-camera Seek Thermal Compact for Apple iPhone and iPad

With this infrared camera it`s possible to find hot- or cold spots very fast. The particular advantage is the short response time (<1 second) and the large image section without touch the object. Ideal for measurement of rotary or electrical parts.

Usable for all popular iPhone`s and iPads, with true thermal sensor and thermal resolution of 206 x 156 (32,000 pixels), app for free download to use the camera, no additional batteries necessary, direct connection via lightning plug, incl. Housing for protection after use.


Technical Data

Thermal resol­u­tion 206 x 156 / 32.000 Pixel
Temper­ature range -40°C..330°C
Distance meas­uring range Up to 300m
Frame rate < 9 Hz
Spec­tral response 7,2 – 13 µm
Field of view 36° FoV
Dimen­sions 44 x 25 x 20mm
Weight 59 g
AZTECH Instruments

The devices are designed to help buyers better understand its production processes and increase the efficiency. Clients are able to level up their product quality and output quantity.
