OPUS 20 THIP Data Logger for Temperature,
Humidtiy and Atmospheric Pressure

Product features -3.200.000 value memory. -Windows software and interface-cable included. -Adjustable alarm settings. -Big LCD for all measuring sizes. -Adjustable intervall 1s up to 24 hours. -High accuracy (± 0,3°C) (+- 2% rH) and (+- 0,5 hPa). -Battery status indicator.

Product features

-3.200.000 value memory.

-Windows software and interface-cable included.

-Adjustable alarm settings.

-Big LCD for all measuring sizes.

-Adjustable intervall 1s up to 24 hours.

-High accuracy (± 0,3°C) (+- 2% rH) and (+- 0,5 hPa).

-Battery status indicator.



Range -20°C … +50°C
Resol­u­tion 0,1°C
Accuracy ± 0,3°C (0°C … 40°C)
other­wise ± 0,5°C
Humidity and atmo­spheric pres-sure
Range +10 … +95%rH
300…1300 hPa
Resol­u­tion 0,5%rH
0,1 hPA
Accuracy ± 2,0%rH
+- 0,5 hPa between 700…1100 hPa at 25°C
Working temper­ature -20°C … +50°C
Power supply 4 LRG AA Mignon battery or external power supply (sold
Battery life typic­ally 2 years (depends on the logging inter­vall)
Dimen­sions 166 x 78 x 32 mm (L x B x H)
Weight 250 g
AZTECH Instruments

The devices are designed to help buyers better understand its production processes and increase the efficiency. Clients are able to level up their product quality and output quantity.
