The splash¬water protected, robust and handy instru¬ments are ideal for meas¬uring oper¬a¬tions under harsh ambient condi¬tions. Product features -Splashwater protected and washable -Very good measured value reading even in the dark through illuminated display with large figures -Blue backlight -Storage of MAX and MIN values -Hold function for measurements in inaccessible spots -Integrated sensor holder for one hand operation

The splash­water protected, robust and handy instru­ments are ideal for meas­uring oper­a­tions under harsh ambient condi­tions.

Product features

-Splashwater protected and washable

-Very good measured value reading even in the dark through illuminated display with large figures

-Blue backlight

-Storage of MAX and MIN values

-Hold function for measurements in inaccessible spots

-Integrated sensor holder for one hand operation


Technical Data

Probe NTC
Meas­uring range -40°C…+200°C
Resol­u­tion 0,1°C
Accuracy ±0,5°C (0..100°C), other­wise ±1,5°C
Working temper­ature 0°C…+40°C
Storage temper­ature -20°C…+70°C
Display LCD, numer­ical height 15 mm
Voltage supply 2 x 1,5 V Battery AA Size
Battery life > 12 month (without illu­min­a­tion)
Housing 130 x 65 x 25 mm (LxWxH)
  • Hold function
  • Memory for MAX and MIN – values
  • Display illuminated (blue)
  • splash water protected
AZTECH Instruments

The devices are designed to help buyers better understand its production processes and increase the efficiency. Clients are able to level up their product quality and output quantity.
