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- P795 Reference-Thermometer
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- Reference Thermometers
- P795 Reference-Thermometer
P795 Reference-Thermometer
High preci¬sion instru¬ment for temper¬ature (±0,01), with memory for 6.000 meas¬ure¬ments. The instru¬ment is designed for applic¬a¬tion of the quality assur¬ance, e.g. testing climatic cham-bers, calib¬ra¬tion ther¬mo¬stats, oven...or ther¬mo¬elec¬trical processes. For the battery-powered instru¬ment we provide a separate power supply as an option. The meas¬uring interval is adjustable between 1 second and 30 minutes. The P795 meas¬uring system is the perfect standard to test subor¬din¬ated instru¬ments or systems. For trace¬ab¬ility we recom¬mend to order those instru¬ments with a calib¬ra¬tion certi¬ficate. The P795-series instru¬ments provide different calib¬ra¬tion possib¬il¬ities for the connect¬able Pt100 probes. The easiest and most convenient way is to use our Smart probes with Eprom. The calib¬ra¬tion coef¬fi¬cients (R0ABC) will auto¬mat¬ic¬ally transfer from the probe to the instru-ment. The user has nothing to do except for turning on the instru¬ment. Calib¬ra¬tion coef¬fi¬cients of the Smart probes are calcu¬lated at 0°C, 75°C and 150°C as standard. On request we can provide further calib¬ra¬tion points.
High precision instrument for temperature (±0,01), with memory for 6.000 measurements. The instrument is designed for application of the quality assurance, e.g. testing climatic chambers, calibration thermostats, oven…or thermoelectrical processes. For the battery-powered instrument we provide a separate power supply as an option. The measuring interval is adjustable between 1 second and 30 minutes. The P795 measuring system is the perfect standard to test subordinated instruments or systems. For traceability we recommend to order those instruments with a calibration certificate.
The P795-series instruments provide different calibration possibilities for the connectable Pt100 probes. The easiest and most convenient way is to use our Smart probes with Eprom. The calibration coefficients (R0ABC) will automatically transfer from the probe to the instrument. The user has nothing to do except for turning on the instrument. Calibration coefficients of the Smart probes are calculated at 0°C, 75°C and 150°C as standard. On request we can provide further calibration points.
Technical Data
Inputs | Pt100 according to EN 60751 |
Measuring range | |
Pt100 | -200°C…+850°C |
Accuracy | |
Pt100 | ±0,015°C from -50°C…+199,99°C ±0,025% of reading for the remaing range |
Resolution | 0,001°C from -200°C…+200°C remaining range 0,01°C |
EX-mark | – |
Memory | 6.000 measurements |
Measuring interval | Adjustable: 1 second…30 minutes |
Output | USB |
Connectors | 8-pole DIN 45326 |
Working temperature | 0°C…+40°C |
Display | 2-line LCD |
Housing | plastic (ABS) |
Dimensions | 200 x 85 x 40 mm (LxWxH) |
Weight | 300 g |
Power supply | 9 V battery |
Batterie life | appr. 20 h |