Pressure Mini Station-PMS-517

The Pressure Mini Station PMS-517 provides the user with practically any type or range of pressure in a single instrument. Its technical features indicate performance levels comparable...

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  1. General Details

    -Ideal for laboratory use.

    -Available and upgradeable with up to eight pressure sensors.

    -Ranges from 250 mmH₂O to 10,000 psi gage or absolute pressure, including vacuum and differential between any pair of sensors.

    -Accuracy of 0.025% of full scale.

    -Measures pressure, mA and volts and generates mA and volts. Provides a 24 Vdc power supply for 2-wire transmitters, and contact input for pressure switch verification.

  2. Documents
AZTECH Instruments

The devices are designed to help buyers better understand its production processes and increase the efficiency. Clients are able to level up their product quality and output quantity.
