ScanTemp 485 Profi Infrared Thermometer

ScanTemp 485 Profi Infrared Thermometer IR-ther¬mo¬meter with double-laserThe short response time and no need to touch the object is an important advantage. Profes¬sional - Infraredther¬mo¬meter with double-laser and 20:1 optical resol¬u¬tion Product features -Temperature range from -50 up to 800°C -Precision glass optics for accurate noncontact temperature measurement -Optical resolution 20:1 -DoubleLaser sighting with narrow beam aiming for accurate readings -Adjustable acoustic High-/Low-alarm

IR-ther­mo­meter with double-laserThe short response time and no need to touch the object is an important advantage. Profes­sional – Infraredther­mo­meter with double-laser and 20:1 optical resol­u­tion

Product features

-Temperature range from -50 up to 800°C

-Precision glass optics for accurate noncontact temperature measurement

-Optical resolution 20:1

-DoubleLaser sighting with narrow beam aiming for accurate readings

-Adjustable acoustic High-/Low-alarm


Technical Data

Temper­ature range -50…+800°C (-58…1472°F)
System accuracy ±2% or ±2°C
Optical resol­u­tion (D:S) 20:1
Display resol­u­tion 0.1°C (0.1°F)
Response time (95%) appr. 0,2 sec.
Ambient temper­ature 0…50°C
Spec­tral response 8 – 14 µm
Emissivity 0.10-1.00
Signal processing Min/​Max/​Scan/​Hold/​Ems/°​C/°​F
Back­light Yes
High/​Low alarm Visual and acoustic
Laser <1mW Laser class IIa
Weight/​Dimen­sions 450g; 146x104x43mm
Battery 9V Alkaline battery
Battery life 20 hours with 50% laser and back­light; 40 hors laser and back­light off
AZTECH Instruments

The devices are designed to help buyers better understand its production processes and increase the efficiency. Clients are able to level up their product quality and output quantity.
