TC-512-HP High Precision Temperature Calibrator for Instrumentation

High Precision Temperature Calibrator for Instrumentation : Complies with NADCAP and AMS2750 Heat Treatment standards Measures and generates mA, mV, V, Ohms, RTD and TC. Simultaneous input and output operation. Callendar-Van Dusen coeffcients for Probe input. Isolated input and output.

  1. General Details
    • Complies with NADCAP and AMS2750 Heat Treatment standards
    • Measures and generates mA, mV, V, Ohms, RTD and TC.
    • Simultaneous input and output operation.
    • Callendar-Van Dusen coeffcients for Probe input.
    • Isolated input and output.
  2. Documents
AZTECH Instruments

The devices are designed to help buyers better understand its production processes and increase the efficiency. Clients are able to level up their product quality and output quantity.
