Reference Thermometers
P795 Reference-Thermometer
High preci¬sion instru¬ment for temper¬ature (±0,01), with memory for 6.000 meas¬ure¬ments. The instru¬ment is designed for applic¬a¬tion of the quality assur¬ance, e.g. testing climatic cham-bers, calib¬ra¬tion ther¬mo¬stats, oven...or ther¬mo¬elec¬trical processes. For the battery-powered instru¬ment we provide a separate power supply as an option. The meas¬uring interval is adjustable between 1 second and 30 minutes. The P795 meas¬uring system is the perfect standard to test subor¬din¬ated instru¬ments or systems. For trace¬ab¬ility we recom¬mend to order those instru¬ments with a calib¬ra¬tion certi¬ficate. The P795-series instru¬ments provide different calib¬ra¬tion possib¬il¬ities for the connect¬able Pt100 probes. The easiest and most convenient way is to use our Smart probes with Eprom. The calib¬ra¬tion coef¬fi¬cients (R0ABC) will auto¬mat¬ic¬ally transfer from the probe to the instru-ment. The user has nothing to do except for turning on the instru¬ment. Calib¬ra¬tion coef¬fi¬cients of the Smart probes are calcu¬lated at 0°C, 75°C and 150°C as standard. On request we can provide further calib¬ra¬tion points.
P790 Precision Instrument for PT100, Thermocouples and Relative Humidity
High preci¬sion instru¬ment for temper¬ature (±0,01) and relative humidty with memory for 6.000 meas¬ure¬ments. Via bluetooth, the meas¬ured values can be transfered to a free down¬load¬able app. Incl. Bluetooth- connection for DEGraphBlue application (App can be downloaded free of charge in the Play or App Store) The P790-series instru¬ments provide different calib¬ra¬tion possib¬il¬ities for the connect¬able Pt100, ther¬mo¬couplea and humidity probes. The easiest and most convenient way is to use our Smart probes with Eprom. The calib¬ra¬tion coef¬fi¬cients (R0ABC) will auto¬mat¬ic¬ally transfer from the probe to the instru¬ment. The user has nothing to do except for turning on the instru-ment. Calib¬ra¬tion coef¬fi¬cients of the Smart probes are calcu¬lated at 0°C, 75°C and 150°C as standard. On request we can provide further calib¬ra¬tion points.
P755-LOG Multi-Function Instrument For Temperature-Humidity-Airflow-Pressure
High preci¬sion data logger for temper¬ature (±0,03), relative humidity, dew point, air flow with memory for 6.000 meas¬ure¬ments. The instru¬ment is designed for applic¬a¬tion of the quality assur¬ance, e.g. testing climatic cham¬bers, calib¬ra¬tion ther¬mo¬stats, oven...or ther¬mo¬elec¬trical processes. For the battery-powered instru¬ment we provide a separate power supply as an option. The meas¬uring interval is adjustable between 1 second and 30 minutes. By using our preci¬sion Pt100-probes with sensor calib¬ra¬tion code you will reach the on page 12 descripted system accuracy. The P755-LOG meas¬uring system is the perfect standard to test subor¬din-ated instru¬ments or systems. For trace¬ab¬ility we recom¬mend to order those instru¬ments with a calib¬ra¬tion certi¬ficate.
P755 Multi-Function Instrument for Temperature-Humidity-Airflow-Pressure
High accrate 2-channel hand¬held ther¬mo¬meter. Max. accuracy + - 0,03°C (PT100)
P750 Temperature-Humidity Instrument
High accurate 1-channel hand¬held ther¬mo¬meter, max. accuracy + - 0,03°C (PT100)
P715 – Universal-Thermometer, 2-Kanal
The univer¬sally applic¬able process-controlled hand-held instru¬ments, Series P700, are ideal for meas¬uring oper¬a¬tions in which high accuracy counts or the possib¬ility of online docu¬ment-a¬tion is demanded.
P710 – Universal-Thermometer, 1-channel
The all-round talent for temper¬ature meas¬ure¬ments and ther¬mo¬couple (type J, K, L, N, T) to +1760°C with a resol¬u¬tion of 0,1°C over the full meas¬uring range. Ideal for quality assur-ancem service and produc¬tion The univer¬sally applic¬able process-controlled hand-held instru¬ments, Series P700, are ideal for meas¬uring oper¬a¬tions in which high accuracy counts or the possib¬ility of online docu¬ment-a¬tion is demanded.
P705 – Universal-Thermometer, 2-Channel
P705 - Universal-Thermometer, 2-Channel : The all-round talent for temper¬ature meas¬ure¬ments with Pt100 sensor over a range of -200°C to +850°C and the ther¬mo¬couple (type J, K, L, N, R, S, T) to +1760°C with a resol¬u¬tion of 0,1°C over the full meas¬uring range. Ideal for quality assur¬ancem service and produc¬tion The univer¬sally applic¬able process-controlled hand-held instru¬ments, Series P700, are ideal for meas¬uring oper¬a¬tions in which high accuracy counts or the possib¬ility of online docu¬ment-a¬tion is demanded.
P700 Universal thermometer, 1-channel
P700 Universal thermometer, 1-channel The all-round talent for temper¬ature meas¬ure¬ments with Pt100 sensor over a range of -200°C to +850°C and the ther¬mo¬couple (type J, K, L, N, R, S, T) to +1760°C with a resol¬u¬tion of 0,1°C over the full meas¬uring range. Ideal for quality assur¬ancem service and produc¬tion The univer¬sally applic¬able process-controlled hand-held instru¬ments, Series P700, are ideal for meas¬uring oper¬a¬tions in which high accuracy counts or the possib¬ility of online docu¬ment-a¬tion is demanded. Product features -USB interface -Optional DE-Graph Windows Software for graphic and tabular documentation -High measuring accuracy -Integrated calibration function for simple compensationof sensor tolerances -Physical 1-point, 2-point or 3-point calibration function -Measuring channels are freely assignable -Recording maximum, minimum, hold and average values -Integrated sensor holder for one hand operation -Mains operation possible -Simultaneous display of two measured values -Differential temperature display