Refer­ence Ther­mo­meters

P795 Reference-Thermometer

High preci¬sion instru¬ment for temper¬ature (±0,01), with memory for 6.000 meas¬ure¬ments. The instru¬ment is designed for applic¬a¬tion of the quality assur¬ance, e.g. testing climatic cham-bers, calib¬ra¬tion ther¬mo¬stats, oven...or ther¬mo¬elec¬trical processes. For the battery-powered instru¬ment we provide a separate power supply as an option. The meas¬uring interval is adjustable between 1 second and 30 minutes. The P795 meas¬uring system is the perfect standard to test subor¬din¬ated instru¬ments or systems. For trace¬ab¬ility we recom¬mend to order those instru¬ments with a calib¬ra¬tion certi¬ficate. The P795-series instru¬ments provide different calib¬ra¬tion possib¬il¬ities for the connect¬able Pt100 probes. The easiest and most convenient way is to use our Smart probes with Eprom. The calib¬ra¬tion coef¬fi¬cients (R0ABC) will auto¬mat¬ic¬ally transfer from the probe to the instru-ment. The user has nothing to do except for turning on the instru¬ment. Calib¬ra¬tion coef¬fi¬cients of the Smart probes are calcu¬lated at 0°C, 75°C and 150°C as standard. On request we can provide further calib¬ra¬tion points.

P790 Precision Instrument for PT100, Thermocouples and Relative Humidity

High preci¬sion instru¬ment for temper¬ature (±0,01) and relative humidty with memory for 6.000 meas¬ure¬ments. Via bluetooth, the meas¬ured values can be transfered to a free down¬load¬able app. Incl. Bluetooth- connection for DEGraphBlue application (App can be downloaded free of charge in the Play or App Store) The P790-series instru¬ments provide different calib¬ra¬tion possib¬il¬ities for the connect¬able Pt100, ther¬mo¬couplea and humidity probes. The easiest and most convenient way is to use our Smart probes with Eprom. The calib¬ra¬tion coef¬fi¬cients (R0ABC) will auto¬mat¬ic¬ally transfer from the probe to the instru¬ment. The user has nothing to do except for turning on the instru-ment. Calib¬ra¬tion coef¬fi¬cients of the Smart probes are calcu¬lated at 0°C, 75°C and 150°C as standard. On request we can provide further calib¬ra¬tion points.

P755-LOG Multi-Function Instrument For Temperature-Humidity-Airflow-Pressure

High preci¬sion data logger for temper¬ature (±0,03), relative humidity, dew point, air flow with memory for 6.000 meas¬ure¬ments. The instru¬ment is designed for applic¬a¬tion of the quality assur¬ance, e.g. testing climatic cham¬bers, calib¬ra¬tion ther¬mo¬stats, oven...or ther¬mo¬elec¬trical processes. For the battery-powered instru¬ment we provide a separate power supply as an option. The meas¬uring interval is adjustable between 1 second and 30 minutes. By using our preci¬sion Pt100-probes with sensor calib¬ra¬tion code you will reach the on page 12 descripted system accuracy. The P755-LOG meas¬uring system is the perfect standard to test subor¬din-ated instru¬ments or systems. For trace¬ab¬ility we recom¬mend to order those instru¬ments with a calib¬ra¬tion certi¬ficate.

P755 Multi-Function Instrument for Temperature-Humidity-Airflow-Pressure

High accrate 2-channel hand¬held ther¬mo¬meter. Max. accuracy + - 0,03°C (PT100)

P750 Temperature-Humidity Instrument

High accurate 1-channel hand¬held ther¬mo¬meter, max. accuracy + - 0,03°C (PT100)

P715 – Universal-Thermometer, 2-Kanal

The univer¬sally applic¬able process-controlled hand-held instru¬ments, Series P700, are ideal for meas¬uring oper¬a¬tions in which high accuracy counts or the possib¬ility of online docu¬ment-a¬tion is demanded.

P710 – Universal-Thermometer, 1-channel

The all-round talent for temper¬ature meas¬ure¬ments and ther¬mo¬couple (type J, K, L, N, T) to +1760°C with a resol¬u¬tion of 0,1°C over the full meas¬uring range. Ideal for quality assur-ancem service and produc¬tion The univer¬sally applic¬able process-controlled hand-held instru¬ments, Series P700, are ideal for meas¬uring oper¬a¬tions in which high accuracy counts or the possib¬ility of online docu¬ment-a¬tion is demanded.

P705 – Universal-Thermometer, 2-Channel

P705 - Universal-Thermometer, 2-Channel : The all-round talent for temper¬ature meas¬ure¬ments with Pt100 sensor over a range of -200°C to +850°C and the ther¬mo¬couple (type J, K, L, N, R, S, T) to +1760°C with a resol¬u¬tion of 0,1°C over the full meas¬uring range. Ideal for quality assur¬ancem service and produc¬tion The univer¬sally applic¬able process-controlled hand-held instru¬ments, Series P700, are ideal for meas¬uring oper¬a¬tions in which high accuracy counts or the possib¬ility of online docu¬ment-a¬tion is demanded.

P700 Universal thermometer, 1-channel

P700 Universal thermometer, 1-channel The all-round talent for temper¬ature meas¬ure¬ments with Pt100 sensor over a range of -200°C to +850°C and the ther¬mo¬couple (type J, K, L, N, R, S, T) to +1760°C with a resol¬u¬tion of 0,1°C over the full meas¬uring range. Ideal for quality assur¬ancem service and produc¬tion The univer¬sally applic¬able process-controlled hand-held instru¬ments, Series P700, are ideal for meas¬uring oper¬a¬tions in which high accuracy counts or the possib¬ility of online docu¬ment-a¬tion is demanded. Product features -USB interface -Optional DE-Graph Windows Software for graphic and tabular documentation -High measuring accuracy -Integrated calibration function for simple compensationof sensor tolerances -Physical 1-point, 2-point or 3-point calibration function -Measuring channels are freely assignable -Recording maximum, minimum, hold and average values -Integrated sensor holder for one hand operation -Mains operation possible -Simultaneous display of two measured values -Differential temperature display

AZTECH Instruments

The devices are designed to help buyers better understand its production processes and increase the efficiency. Clients are able to level up their product quality and output quantity.
